
SIWI is a leading expert on source-to-sea management, which offers new tools to make societies more sustainable and prosperous. By managing source-to-sea systems holistically, we can ensure that decisions in one place do not have unintended negative consequences further downstream.

Today’s governance structures are often too fragmented to be effective. Decisions in one place have serious and unintended impacts elsewhere, like when rivers and oceans are polluted by waste from cities or chemicals from farms and industries. This harms people and nature, making it difficult to effectively tackle climate change, pollution, the degradation of nature, and poverty.

The source-to-sea approach offers a more effective form of governance, which recognizes how different natural systems are interlinked and invites many different stakeholders to co-create solutions.

SIWI is a leading champion of source-to-sea governance and an expert in its implementation. We run pilot projects, generate new knowledge, organize training, and host the Source-to-Sea Platform with like-minded organizations.

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Join the Action Platform for Source-to-Sea Management

The S2S Platform is a multi-stakeholder initiative to exchange and generate knowledge, and support joint action for improved management of land, water, coastal and marine linkages.

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