
World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) – External Evaluation Report 2019

Anna Tengberg (Swedish Water House)
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Anna Tengberg, PhD
Senior Advisor,
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The overall vision of the WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) network is to improve land resources and ecosystems and people’s livelihoods by sharing, enhancing, and using knowledge on Sustainable Land Management (SLM).

WOCAT has since its launch generated an array of outputs that need to be reviewed in terms of quality, relevance and user friendliness. This includes the Global SLM database, tools, methods, books and articles. Since the review in 2011, the WOCAT network has been strengthened and the adequacy and efficiency of the new set-up needs to be evaluated. The evaluation has a strong focus on assessing the impacts that WOCAT has achieved after more than 25 years of operation.

December 2019