
Water Governance Processes: Examples Across Four Countries

Smiling man with glasses, in a collared shirt with a black sweater over it.
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David Hebart-Coleman
Senior Programme Manager,

The quality of a water governance process sets the basis for the quality of its outcomes, and GoAL-WaterS has provided means to invest in governance. This publication provides examples of achievements in Cambodia, Laos, Jordan and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Image of a lake with mountains, trees in the backdrop and mist rising from the bottom.
Credit: Shutterstock

The Governance, Accountability and Learning for Water Sustainability programme (GoAL-WaterS) started in 2019, with the aim of supporting sustainable planning, allocation, use, and protection of water, through stronger governance and management frameworks and processes. GoAL-WaterS has supported national policies and priorities and was strategically managed by the UNDP-SIWI Water Governance Facility, hosted by the Stockholm International Water Institute.

The quality of a water governance process sets the basis for the quality of its outcomes, and GoAL-WaterS has provided means to invest in governance. The programme has engaged stakeholders in priority-setting, development of plans, policies, laws and regulation, and in implementation. GoAL-WaterS ended in 2022 and has been implemented in 11 countries. This publication provides examples of achievements in four of these countries: Cambodia, Laos, Jordan and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

May 2023
Asia, Central and Eastern Europe