
Foundations for Source-to-Sea Management: Lessons from the field

This report shares practical learnings gained during the Foundations for Source-to-Sea Management project, to support implementation of source-to-sea projects in other contexts.

Woman crushes plastic bottles at recycling plant, Hawassa, Ethiopia. Photo: Georgette Mrakadeh-Keane
Woman crushes plastic bottles at recycling plant, Hawassa, Ethiopia. Photo: Georgette Mrakadeh-Keane

The report draws on experience from two pilot project: Lake Hawassa Sub-Basin in Ethiopia and Vu Gia-Thu Bon River Basin in Vietnam, each of which are also described in detail in separate reports and in films.

Outlining the source-to-sea approach and its benefits, the report targets practitioners and others that wish to better understand how to effectively implement a source-to-sea project. It describes the six steps of the approach and its guiding practices, with hands-on experiences from the field.